Country Name : Taiwan
Country Code : 886

Following is the list of mobile operators in Taiwan with mobile prefixGo back
Mobile Operator NameMobile Phone Prefix
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886910
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886911
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886912
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886919
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886921
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886928
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886932
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886933
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886934
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886937
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886963
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886972
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886975
Chung Hwa Telecom LDM886988
Far EasTone Telecommunications886916
Far EasTone Telecommunications886917
Far EasTone Telecommunications886926
Far EasTone Telecommunications886930
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869310
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869311
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869312
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869313
Far EasTone Telecommunications886936
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869540
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869541
Far EasTone Telecommunications886955
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869605
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869606
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869607
Far EasTone Telecommunications8869608
Far EasTone Telecommunications886981
Far EasTone Telecommunications886989
KG Telecom886913
KG Telecom886915
KG Telecom886925
KG Telecom886927
KG Telecom886938
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869140
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869141
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869142
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886918
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886920
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886922
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886935
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886939
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886952
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886953
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886958
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869610
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869611
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869612
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869613
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869614
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869700
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869701
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869702
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)8869703
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886983
Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM)886987
TransAsia Telecommunications8869240
TransAsia Telecommunications8869241
TransAsia Telecommunications886929
TransAsia Telecommunications8869317
TransAsia Telecommunications8869318
TransAsia Telecommunications8869319
TransAsia Telecommunications886956
TransAsia Telecommunications8869600
TransAsia Telecommunications8869601
TransAsia Telecommunications8869602
TransAsia Telecommunications8869603
TransAsia Telecommunications8869604
TransAsia Telecommunications8869710
TransAsia Telecommunications8869711

Note : This data may not be 100% up to date as most of operators would get new set of prefix ranges as per their growth and other factors.
We try to keep the data updated as and when we got to know that there is any change or new addition of any series. You can help us maintaining this data uptodate by just informing us from here.